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Can You Really Do Business Without Leaving Home?

From the comfort of your own home
Can you do business from the comfort of your own home? Well it all depends on how much business you want to do. I don’t like to leave the house. I like to put my head down and bury myself in my work. I’m happiest when I have a big pile of work a reasonable deadline and a few other projects lined up behind it. Unfortunately that’s not always the way things work out in the real world.

Leaving home
Sometimes you just need to get out of the studio and meet people. I know, it sounds scary doesn’t it? Last week I decided to take a chance, pack my bags and head on down to Orlando, Florida to meet up with my good friend Carlos Castellanos at the Be the Change Marketing event. That meant getting on a plane, booking a hotel and being away from home for four days. Wow, wait… what? You thought I was the guy who was afraid to leave the office right?

U.S. Air to orlando

U.S. Air to Orlando

Invitation to Orlando
A few weeks ago I received an invitation from Aleloop to attend a marketing event in Orlando Florida. You might remember Ale from the interview we did (Happy Art and Inspiration with Artist Aleloop) . She told me I really needed to attend the event. My normal reaction would have been to say yes and then find a way to duck out of it later. I’m not sure if Ale was onto me but she told me, this event will change your life.

This event will change your life.
“If you miss this event Carlos will be so far ahead of you, you will not even understand.” My stomach kind of dropped. What if she was right? That meant I had to get on a plane and go to Orlando and that was scary.
Scare factor 10+

She was right
Of course I knew she was right. How often does someone tell you an event will change your life? I talked to Carlos and we made arrangements to meet in Orlando. I had no idea what to expect and plenty of time to panic. What if everything that could ever go wrong did go wrong? A thousand what ifs. Of course the other side of that coin was, what if everything went right? It might actually turn out to be a cool event.
Scare Factor 11

Flight 1027 Now boarding for Orlando.
I arrived in Orlando Thursday afternoon. Found the hotel, checked in and met up with Carlos later that night. We had dinner with friends and I got a chance to meet and hang out with some really cool people. The company was great so was the meal. Not all that scary.
Scare Factor 5

A cool event.
The next three days were covered by the event starting from 9:00 am until 9:00pm each day. Wow, that seemed like a lot but as the event moved from one day to the next I began to forget about being uncomfortable and started enjoying what was happening. Even though there were over 300 in attendance and I hardly knew anyone the event turned out to be really amazing. I learned more in those three days then I ever imagined. I met new people, made new friends and connections. It’s those connections that keep our business going, keep us growing and move us in new directions. I know what you’re thinking….but the internet, social media, IM, Facebook those things let me do the same thing… The truth is they really don’t. They allow you to make connections but there is  simply no substitute for getting out of the office and meeting someone new in person.

Scare Factor – What scare factor, this is fun.

Yes, I’m giving you homework. Can you believe it? Okay, so here is what I want you to do… If you haven’t gotten out of the office in the last 2 weeks, get out from behind your desk and go meet someone new… in person. I promise you it won’t be scary. Once you’ve completed your homework leave a comment in the space below telling us how things worked out.
Scare Factor – Determined by you…

Aleloop, Bob Ostrom, Carlos Castellanos, Mark Simon

Aleloop, Bob Ostrom, Carlos Castellanos, Mark Simon at Be the Change in Orlando

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About the Author Bob Ostrom

Leave a Comment:

Phil Jones says April 11, 2011

I’m working late as usual and saw this post shared by Carlos on Facebook. I read this because for one, Carlos told me to and two, it sounded very interesting!I have been planning to get out of the office as well. My freelance career is split in two parts. before Disney and after. In my before stage I got out a lot. This was long before Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other sites. Heck, in 1995 the Internet was a blip! I got literally all of my work from pounding the pavement. Go to the after Disney phase (2003) and it has been all social media and word of mouth. I am however going on the “Phillustration World Tour…(of Tampa Bay)” soon. I plan to tweet, FB, Link, Blog the heck out of this as I make appointments to see creative directors all over the Tampa area. I’m starting with Tampa because gas is like $95 per gallon plus your first born child. I will let you know how it goes!!!
Thanks for sharing this article!

Bearman says April 11, 2011

A: did that invite include paying your expenses? And if so,

B: how do you get that? Ha

Bob Ostrom says April 11, 2011

Thanks for your comment Phil. Hope things go well on the Phillustration World Tour. Keep us posted.

studiomiguel says February 25, 2013

I’ve been a regular attendee at Siggraph, comicon (both SDCC & other varieties), Motion, DSVC (local monthly event) and despite never feeling comfortable with all the hassle and expense, I have never regretted one moment (or dime) of attending. Sometimes I make new friends and contacts but I ALWAYS leave enriched and with a little more experience than I came with. The advice here was probably one of the 10 core concepts that were conveyed to me in school. I try to live my life by the idea of getting out and meeting others despite my cowardly ways and it always pays off with terrific experiences.

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