Do you ever think of how much more you would be able to accomplish if you only stopped doing EVERYTHING yourself and started delegating some of your tasks to others?
Well, if you see yourself more as a business owner vs. a freelancer, chances are the thought has crossed your mind more than once. Delegating tasks that you aren’t good at, or tasks that can be done by someone else, allowing you to do the higher value tasks that only you can provide is critical to growing your business, increasing your income and ultimately creating true creative freedom.
But as you’ll also discover in today’s interview, it’s not just about growing your business for greeds sake, when you choose to level up, you also provide opportunity for others to share and grow their gifts and talents and create jobs and income for others. That in a nut shell my friends, is likely the most gratifying reason to commit to your own success.
Today Bob and I speak with my good friend Jan Korb CEO of Broadbased Marketing Communications.
Through the years I’ve watched Jan with great pride go from magazine art director, to freelancing graphic designer to full-fledged business owner with a fulltime staff of six and another half dozen creative sub-contractors she’s added to her team. Jan is truly one of the most brilliant and talented business women I know. She takes us through her evolution from magazine art director, to freelance graphic designer to CEO and agency owner and what it took to get her there.
You’ll also discover:
- What does it take to move your business to the next level?
- What are art directors and art buyers looking for?
- Is email the best way to approach a new potential client?
- How often should I stay in touch with my clients?
- Is cold calling potential clients a good idea?
(Jan basically spills the beans on the best way to submit promos to her and uncorks a doozy of a revelation that clearly spells OPPORTUNITY for you. But you’ll have to listen to find out what that is.)
Also, this is the first in a ongoing series I am working on called ‘The Client Corner’ where we will be speaking with art buyers from a wide spectrum of industries including publishers, design firms, ad agencies, magazines, corporations, textile manufacturers and many, many more. Our aim is to find out what these art buyers prefer to see in terms of mailers and promo pieces, how often they would like to be sent mailers, their preferred method of receiving promos, cold calling, we talk budgets, negotiation and money, and everything else you’ve always wanted to know from the client side but were afraid to ask.
[audio:http://drawnbysuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Jan-Korb.mp3|titles=Jan Korb]
Jan Korb Interview Download
So, what are some things you can delegate in your business that would free you up to become more profitable or just make your work more enjoyable?
Share your thoughts with us. Leave your comment below. The best thought out comment selected by Bob and I will receive a free signed copy of my book ‘The Ultimate Success Secret’.
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