Drawn By Success
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Pitfalls of Avoiding the Price Conversation

carlos castellanos, bob ostrom, drawn by success, marketing tips for artists, how to freelance

Are You Avoiding the Price Conversation?

Bob and I reach into the ‘ol mail bag for today’s episode and answer a question about pricing. Too often artists are shy about pricing. We talk about how to be more upfront when negotiating price and strategies you can use to offer your clients more value and a better experience.

We also talk about why it’s so important to have a pregame strategy. Pricing can be a tricky thing but with a little planning and a little know-how your rates will go up, your clients will love you and your business will take off like a rocket ship.

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About the Author Carlos Castellanos

Carlos Castellanos is the co-creator of the nationally syndicated comic strip 'Baldo', an award winning illustrator and founder of DrawnBySuccess.com. His passion to create art on his own terms is rivaled only by his passion to help other creative freelancers overcome the roadblocks keeping them from achieving their full potential and earning the income they deserve.

Leave a Comment:

Gary Lister says August 24, 2014

I like the idea of having a ‘brief’ go-to questions saved on something like Evernote. I’ve started making my own question list, but I was wondering if you would share some of your initial questions. I KNOW there are some questions I should be asking up front, but it seems like they fall into that ‘didn’t think about that’ category. Just discovered this site — very informative vid!

Mike Murphy (Grampa Murphy) says August 25, 2014

Thanks Bob & Carlos, Great information. I really appreciate your shows.

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